24 Hr. Emergency
Locksmith Services
24/7 JBLM Access
Locked Out?
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24 hours a day
(360) 458-5963
To Get A Key That Can't Be Duplicated?
Residential Locksmith Services
Yelm Locksmith is owned and operated by former police officers. We can evaluate your home's security needs and secure your home against bad guys. Being safe and secure does not have to be inconvenient. Modern locks are smarter and easier than ever. Ask us how we can make your home safe, secure, beautiful, and easy for family to access.

House Lockouts
Yelm Locksmith can usually open your house with ZERO damage. We also carry a full line of new locks on our trucks in case we have to replace your lock.
Smart Locks / Keypads
Ready to ditch the keys? You can have safety and convenience with a touch pad door lock. Even open your door with your cell phone

Locks Change/Repair
Yelm Locksmith can change or repair your locks if you're having a malfunction or you have a door that doesn't close or lock properly.

Rekey Locks
Yelm Locksmith can rekey almost any lock, but keep in mind that on residential applications, it's almost always cheaper to replace the locks.

Secure Padlocks
Yelm Locksmith stocks STRONG padlocks that you just cant purchase at local stores. We even re-key them to your house or shop keys.

Door Repair
Have a door that doesn't latch properly? Yelm Locksmith can fix misaligned and improperly fitting doors to secure your home.
Yelm Locksmith is pleased to provide the following additional residential services:

Restricted Keyway Systems
Restricted keyway locks prevent key holders from copying your keys. They couldn't if they wanted to.

Pick-Proof Deadbolts
When we access a locked house, we often pick the lock, something a sophisticated criminal could do as well. That's why we offer pick proof locks for the ultimate home security.