24 Hr. Emergency
Locksmith Services
24/7 JBLM Access
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24 hours a day
(360) 458-5963
To Get A Key That Can't Be Duplicated?
Commercial Locksmith Services
Commercial Break-ins are increasing in Yelm. Don't be the next victim. Let Yelm Locksmith show you how they get in and how you can stop them.
Yelm Locksmith sells and services commercial locks and doors. We can repair, rekey, and replace your commercial locks, exit devices, and master key systems. Yelm Locksmith is also versed in necessary fire, safety, and ADA codes to keep your building or complex safe and compliant.
We also stock the high security ABUS padlock system that features changeable lock cylinders to match almost any key you already carry and changeable shackles to meat every need.

Commercial Door Service
Yelm Locksmith can install and repair commercial doors, commercial locks, and exit devices. Are your doors ADA, fire, and safety compliant?

High Security Systems
Need a higher level of security for money, assets, or evidence. We provide high tech, high security services.

Restricted Keyway Systems
Restricted keyway systems prevent employees from copying your keys so you don't have to rekey when an employee leaves your company.

Master Key Systems
Master key systems provide both convenience and security. Full access for admins and selective access for employees by having different keys for the same lock.